The-NetherlandsThe Netherlands

In the Netherlands the need for a biological and organic vaccine to protect elm trees from Dutch Elm Disease is very high because of the ban on use of chemicals on street and park trees.

The vaccine is being used to treat over 25,000 trees in the Netherlands annually. The table below summarises the results of elms treated in the Netherlands between 1992-2015.

Your local specialist

idverde Bomendienst B.V.
Ron Schraven
Marowijne 80
7333 PJ Apeldoorn
The Netherlands
Tel +31 (0)55 599 94 44
Fax + 31 (0)55 533 88 44


In the Netherlands DutchTrig® has been registered with the Dutch Board for Authorisation of Pesticides (CTGB) since 1992. Currently authorized under Regulation (EC) no. 1107/2009 with permit number N14952.

CTGB database for the most recent information on the registration can be accessed at

Because Verticillium isolate WCS850 (the active ingredient in DutchTrig®) is native to the Netherlands, no further plant pest permits for transport or use are required.

Application of DutchTrig® in the Netherlands is undertaken by idverde Bomendienst. More information can be found at the contact page or at (only available in Dutch).

Projects in The Netherlands

Other projects in The Netherlands:

  • Arhem
  • Rotterdam
  • Utrecht

Other projects