Dutch elm disease can be prevented!
The opportunity to protect elm trees from Dutch Elm Disease (DED) without the use of chemicals, based on the tree’s own natural defence mechanism is now available. Municipalities, landscape and arborist companies as well as private owners finally have a proven and affordable tool to actively and effectively prevent Dutch Elm Disease on their valuable elms using the DutchTrig® vaccine.
DutchTrig® can:
- protect healthy elms from Dutch Elm Disease;
- protect a large numbers of elms every year;
- reduce the costs of protection;
- reduce the use of chemicals in our urban environment;
- minimize wounding of elms.
DutchTrig® is the proven bio-control vaccine for Elms. DutchTrig® is now the choice to safeguard trees from Dutch Elm Disease. Elm bark beetles will no longer be deciding your elms’ fate.
Do you also want to protect your elms? We like to connect with you, so that we can discuss the possibilities.
“Data were submitted to conclude that the use of Verticillium albo-atrum strain WCS850 (DutchTrig®) according to the representative use proposed at EU level results in a sufficient efficacy to prevent Dutch elm disease.”
Source: EFSA (European Food Safety Authority), Abdourahime H, Anastassiadou M, Arena M, Auteri D, Barmaz S, Brancato A, Brocca D, Bura L, Carrasco Cabrera L, Chiusolo A, Civitella C, Court Marques D, Crivellente F, Ctverackova L, De Lentdecker C, Egsmose M, Fait G, Ferreira L, Gatto V, Greco L, Ippolito A, Istace F, Jarrah S, Kardassi D, Leuschner R, Lostia A, Lythgo C, Magrans JO, Medina P, Messinetti S, Mineo D, Miron I, Molnar T, Nave S, Padovani L, Parra Morte JM, Pedersen R, Raczyk M, Reich H, Ruocco S, Saari KE, Sacchi A, Santos M, Serafimova R, Sharp R, Stanek A, Streissl F, Sturma J, Szentes Cs, Tarazona J, Terron A, Theobald A, Vagenende B, Vainovska P, Van Dijk J, Verani A and Villamar-Bouza L, 2018. Conclusion on the peer review of the pesticide risk assessment of the active substance Verticillium albo-atrum strain WCS850. EFSA Journal 2019;17(1):5575, 21 pp. doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2019.5575”
Watch our film about the value of elms and learn how, with the help of DutchTrig®, elms are being protected worldwide.
idverde Bomendienst
Marowijne 80
7333 PJ Apeldoorn
The Netherlands
T: +31 (0)55 599 94 44